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Root Canal or Dental Implant?

If you have a root canal system infection, you’ll want to ensure you evaluate all of your treatment options to determine which one is best for you. Traditionally, patients have had two choices: standard root canal treatment (RCT) or tooth extraction followed by a dental implant procedure. Read on to discover more about these two treatment options!

Standard RCT vs. Dental Implant Procedure

During standard RCT, infected pulp tissue is manually removed with files,* and the interior of the tooth is cleaned and sealed.* Standard RCT can require more than one appointment*, meaning you could be spending more time in the chair. And, despite your provider’s best efforts to clean and seal the tooth, new infections could emerge, which will most likely require retreatment or endodontic surgery.*

GentleWave Procedure

A dental implant includes extracting the infected tooth, inserting a metal post in the jaw and affixing a porcelain crown to the post, a process that requires multiple surgeries.** Dental implants can also be time intensive** and costly***and they are not impervious to failure—which are other factors to consider when assessing your options for treating your infected root canal system.

When it comes to the results of standard RCT versus a dental implant, a study published by the Journal of Endodontics noted that there is no notable difference in the success rates. Rather, the decision to pursue a root canal procedure or dental implant should be based on the complexity of the patient’s specific case and their individual health and preferences.

Prioritize Saving Your Natural Tooth

Saving your natural tooth should always be your first choice for the best health and cosmetic results. This can help maintain efficient chewing, normal biting force, your natural appearance—and limits the need for more costly, ongoing dental work.***

Until recently, if a patient wished to save their natural tooth, the primary option was standard root canal treatment—but now there are other treatment options!

The Innovative GentleWave® Procedure

The GentleWave® Procedure is a revolutionary technology that offers patients an alternative to standard root canal treatment—and the ability to save their natural tooth!

Through the use of fluid dynamics and broad-spectrum acoustic energy, the GentleWave Procedure can thoroughly clean and disinfect the root canal system2—while relying on the use of fewer files.1,2 This minimally invasive1 alternative to standard root canal treatment is so effective at cleaning and disinfecting the root canal system1,2, there’s less chance of failure over time.4 Plus, the GentleWave Procedure can usually be completed in just one session4 and allows for fast healing4 and the chance for fewer appointments!4

Finding a GentleWave Provider

If you have a root canal system infection and wish to save your natural tooth, find a nearby GentleWave Provider today with our Provider Locator!


**Mayo Clinic



The GentleWave® Procedure is a medical procedure that is designed to prepare, clean and preserve the structure of teeth1,2,4 indicated for root canal therapy. Similar to other root canal treatment procedures, there is a potential risk of adverse effects. If you are considering the GentleWave Procedure, ask your clinician if you are a proper candidate. For additional information, visit

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